Performance recording

Basic condition for successful breeding

Czech Beef Assosiation (ČSCHMS) has executed the performance recording of beef cattle per its employees since 1990. Thanks to this service the totally objective, completely independent and unified system of data collection has been established. All further data processing runs over their own computer database, whose development allows to response flexible for needs of farmers and global trends in beef cattle breeding.

In 2010 the system of performance recording has recieved "Certificate of Quality" issued by the International Comittee for Animal Recording (ICAR). The following growth and reproductive traits are observed and evaluated within the performance recording on farms:

  • weight at 120, 210 and 365 days
  • linear classification
  • date of calving
  • date of insemination, the use of ET
  • use of bull in natural service
  • horns status - horned/polled (for listed breeds)
  • coloration and color type (for listed breeds)
  • changes and movements in the central register
  • animal labelling
  • pedigree – sire and dam
  • breed classification
  • date of birth
  • birth process and weight at birth

The regular evaluation and analysis of the results at both farm and population level are essential prerequisites for successful breeding. Strict, but fair and objective criteria are the major factors of genetic progress that have been achieved in Czech beef cattle breeding within a short period.

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Website content: © Kamil Malát; Application and database sources: © Český svaz chovatelů masného skotu. Design & app: © 1999, 2011