Central registry of breeding bulls
Since 1991, when the first insemination doses of Belgian blue sires were imported to the Czech Republic, has been more then 25 years. During this period (July 2016) was in the Czech Herd-Book registered a total of 215 bulls, who was also assigned to the central registry ("breeding licence"). Of the total number of bulls was only a small percentage of bulls who were born in the Czech republic. Every bull who is going to be used for breeding, must pass the selection. Historically, the first bull, which was in 1994 in the performance test station by a selection committee chosen for breeding, was the bull CIZINEC (ZBM-169).
The vast majority of registered males are insemination doses which were imported to the Czech Republic mainly for commercial breeding. In the beginning it was a bulls from Great Britain, Holland and Germany, later dominating males originating from Belgium. The number in the register allocation begins at the numeral '150', because until then the numerical range of beef breeds bulls allocated regardless of breed.
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